Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Favorite Things

Okay, so I'm honestly working on two three great things right now.  I've got one tutorial coming, and two re-do's coming.  It'll be a blast.  I have all the pictures.  I have all of the directions.  I'm all excited.  But wait, yeah, I'm still missing my USB to mini-USB cable.  <----- Not a happy camper.    Ah well.  So, while we are enjoying this lovely Fall weather, and getting one step closer to Christmas and Winter (hooray!), I thought I'd take a moment to commemorate Fall with some of my favorite things.  (And yes, I'm singing the "Sound of Music" soundtrack right now.)

Acorns:  Acorns are absolutely all over the place right now.  I crunched several and even, um, appropriated one on the way back to the car from the Temple Saturday.  I'm trying to convince myself that I was helping to clean up the temple grounds.  Yes, yes, that's it. 

There are some gorgeous crafts coming out of MADE right now, and she even has a beautiful acorn craft round-up going on here, including her own beautiful acorn wreath.

And look at this lovely acorn ball coming out of I Am Momma Hear Me Roar.

Then there's this amazing acorn display from delia creates, which if you haven't run into yet, you will absolutely fall in love with.  --Guaranteed. 

Sewing:  There's been all kinds of fun things floating around lately, and many that I have just discovered.  Am I the only person who didn't know about Disney over at ~Ruffles and Stuff?  I feel seriously ridiculous.  I can't believe I just found her.  And she's in my (new) neck of the woods too.  Sheesh.  Oh well.  Her tutorials are *gorgeous* and very well made and directed.  I really love this "She's a Lady" Cardigan Tutorial, but her amazing-ness doesn't stop there.  If you aren't a follower already, I would definitely add her in and go through her past posts.  They're simply too beautiful to look at to not add, even if you aren't big into sewing.  I'm actually in the process of making this "Bouquet" T-Shirt Tutorial for Ande as a dress, although I had a terrible toss-up between that and this "Gardens at Dusk" shirt remodel.  I don't know.  I may actually do both.  She's such an incredible inspiration that I'm not sure I'm going to ever stop sewing again!

Then there's this great tutorial on Made By Lex on how to make a pleater board.  This is beyond fantastic.  I desperately wish that I had found this a week ago before I finished daughter's pillowcase dress; it would have turned out differently.  But that's a different story, and a different tutorial for a different time.  Made By Lex is fantastic though, and another one of those that is absolutely fantastic eye candy even if you aren't in a sewing mood.  She specializes in refashions, and if you follow through to her tutorials, I promise that it will be a fun experience, especially for all of you Anthro-loving fashionistas out there. 

Cooking:  There are several fun things going on here too.  I'm especially in love with Delia's tortilla chip leaves; they just look like so much fun.  And Brooke over at the Cheeky Kitchen has an absolutely to-die-for looking white chicken chili.  Um, yum.  I'm making this for dinner, and if you follow me on Facebook, then you can catch the review tomorrow.  But heck, how can you go wrong with chicken, green chilies, sour cream, and bacon?  I've also fed my kiddos baked decorative pumpkins from Gingerbread Snowflakes in the last couple of weeks, and while I can't honestly say that my kiddos were thrilled, I certainly enjoyed my baked Jack-O'-Lantern (and it's a great idea for getting rid of those extra pumpkins today and tomorrow too!).  And while we're on the subject of pumpkins, I can't go without mentioning these fantastic looking baked pumpkin doughnuts, which I can't help but think are sure to be a crowd-pleaser. 

Anywho, this is all the fun I've gotten put together for this week, but there will be many to come.  Especially if I still can't find my USB cable by the end of the week.  Hmmm, I'll have to keep working on that.  But, rest assured, I have many (not-so-beautiful) photos on the way, a couple of tutorials in mind, and some re-do's that I hope will be helpful *and* informative.  And yes, yes, I promise, I am working on my photography skills.  Am I a blog-her in the making, no, probably not, but it's sure fun to pull together the best of the web for all of you lovely ladies. ; ) 

Have fun and let me know: Do you like the round-ups?  Should they become a weekly feature?

Thanks and feliz dia de los muertos.  ; ) 
